Posts in Forbes
Maintaining Boundaries: How To Lead Within The Leadership Pipeline

Where should a CEO spend their time? Imagine a company where the CEO is spending their time consistently meeting with individual contributors and giving them feedback and direction. While this one-on-one attention straight from the top is coveted by many, it begs the question: If the CEO is explaining how to do something or what should be done, who is actually leading the company?

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ForbesZheila Pouraghabagher
Your Leadership Pipeline Could Use A Check-Up

If your company has re-organized, someone exited a critical position, or a business unit is growing like crazy, you might want to give your leadership pipeline a check-up. Most companies that utilize strategic leadership pipelines have an annual or biennial review process, but that might leave them in a bind in the midst of major changes.

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Developing A Leadership Pipeline That Works

One lesson that you learn reasonably early in life is that if you need to be somewhere at a specific time, and you know roughly how long it will take to make the trip to your destination, it is important to begin the trip on time.  No combination of speeding or looking for shortcuts enables you to get there on time if you’ve left 15 minutes or a half-hour late.

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ForbesJack Zenger