Nonprofit Leadership Development Programs

Nonprofits require effective leadership to overcome unique challenges and advance their missions. Attracting, developing and retaining talent, implementing clear succession plans and navigating a resource-constrained environment takes work. An added challenge is that dedicated staff may suffer burnout trying to enact social change.

At Leadership Pipeline Institute (LPI), we understand that leadership transitions make you vulnerable to stressors like loss of external funding. Additionally, losing key staff impacts your ability to solve society's most pressing issues. Our customized nonprofit leadership development programs help build your future leadership pipeline. Our founder, Stephen Drotter, developed the globally used leadership and talent pipelines, and LPI's nonprofit leadership professional development services use these innovative approaches. Together, we can help your organization succeed.

Our Nonprofit Management Training Solves Problems

LPI understands that nonprofits are different from other organizations. We offer customized solutions to help with succession planning for nonprofit organizations and professional development for nonprofit leaders:

  • Leadership development: Nonprofit leaders face unique challenges impacting their organization's health. Our training gives leaders the necessary tools, skills and values to succeed.

  • Specialist development: Agile systems are replacing traditional hierarchical structures. This shift means rethinking specialist and leadership roles. LPI helps your nonprofit build a sound architecture to adapt.

  • Succession planning: A nonprofit's sustainability depends on upholding clear and thoughtful leadership transitions and being equipped for sudden departures. Succession planning prepares your organization. Our succession planning process is based on 1,000-plus in-depth interviews with executives and over 20 years of experience.

  • Organizational transformation: Our transformation projects help shift your nonprofit leaders' thinking and actions, enabling them to comply with your new strategy or adjusted organizational model.

  • Strategic talent management: Your team is the key to your organization's success. Fulfilling your nonprofit's mission requires strategic talent management and an integrative approach to empower emerging, mid-level and executive nonprofit leaders.

In-Depth ROI Measurement of Our Services

LPI understands that nonprofit organizations have resource restraints and need precise results. We believe development and impact must be measurable:

The main benefits of our return on investment approach include:

  • Continual improvement: We evaluate participants before, after and three months post-training to measure the change in critical job behaviors. Our 360-degree Leadership Performance Index surveys help equip and develop nonprofit leaders.

  • Efficient reporting: LPI's reporting is transparent and detailed. We offer an efficient, precise and low-cost process to measure impact. 

  • Clear documentation: View the exact result and ROI of our learning initiatives.


Partner With Us for a Customized Solution for Your Nonprofit Organization

LPI is committed to providing the leading resources and training you need to achieve your social mission. We partner with nonprofit organizations to develop customized solutions and catalyze positive change. Our global leadership footprint gives us access to unique perspectives. We offer specialized programs in over 20 languages and across 25 countries and have impacted people in 75-plus countries.

*We apply a special discount model to nonprofit organizations on all our services.


Want to learn more about how we can partner to address your non-profit organization’s challenges?