Disrupt the Leadership Culture



As part of a major business transformation project, it was concluded that the leadership culture did not only have to be adjusted, it had to be fundamentally disrupted in order for the business transformation to sustain. Historically, leaders had solely been selected based on their technical skills. This had led to a leadership culture where leaders were held accountable for technical insight rather than leadership performance. 


How We Make a Difference


Our role in a project like this is to fundamentally change the leadership mindset among the leaders. Organizations may believe that it is not possible to change the mindset of leaders having operated in the same way for 10 or 20 years. But it is. And by the way, what would the alternative be? To dismiss all leaders with 10 or more years of experience? The likelihood of changing the mindset of seasoned leaders may be less than for newly promoted leaders. But it is not at all impossible. However, traditional leadership training will not do the trick. Common sense may be present in your company but not common practice. At LPI, we make the bridge

Our programs have documented and validated track records of creating lasting change in terms of knowledge, attitude and behavior for both newly appointed leaders as well as for leaders with 10 or 20 years of experience. One of our most famous participant quotes is from a leader with more than 20 years of experience in leadership roles:

“I knew it all, but now I understand it.”

The leadership programs must be based on action learning. Instead of the participants bringing the training back to the job, the participants bring their job into the training – so to speak. Most important, the training must be focused on changing the leaders’ work values – meaning how they truly experience that they add value and what they like doing. We design and deliver leadership transformation programs which are aligned with the core business transformation project and hence will contribute directly to sustaining the business transformation.

Rikke Krag Hvidesten