The Specialist Pipeline Transition Program for Knowledge Principals


Knowledge principal

The Knowledge principal transition program is uniquely based on Specialist Pipeline concept. It is an intensive program that gives the specialist operating at knowledge principal level insights, tools and practical training in how to fully step up and into their role.

The program clarifies the specific responsibilities and performance expectations for knowledge principals, and it ensures that the knowledge principals develop the right work values, time application and skills in order to be successful in the role. After the program, the knowledge principal will have a clear perspective on how they uniquely create value, and they will have learned to appreciate their specialist role. Watch the video to learn more about the Specialist Pipeline.


 Why Invest in Developing Knowledge principals?

During a People Review meeting in a 60,000 people company we discussed critical people and critical jobs. To the surprise of the company, they ended up concluding that their most critical people were their knowledge principals – not the executives or the general managers. They agreed that if one of their country managers for even a major country left, it would be business as usual for at least three to four months without any problems. Also, even with a stretched talent pipeline, it would not be complicated to fill this role. But what if one of their knowledge principals left?

First of all, it would be challenging to even replace the person. Also, they would most likely bring their critical knowledge to a competitor and finally, it would cause a major set-back in a key business area both in the short term and the medium term.

On a separate but equally important note, in many organizations we see that even the most senior knowledge principals are pressed to the bottom of the organization. Often, they are not part of a management team. They are invited to meetings from time to time, but the daily reporting line is to a lower level manager. Our work with many companies shows that managers miss the specialist’s voice both vertically and horizontally in the organization.

The reason for the above issue is normally that the knowledge principal may represent a key depth of knowledge, but they are not able to navigate at the executive level – hence they are pressed further down in the organization. A better solution would be to support them in stepping up and into their role.

A man running up some stairs

What Our Participants Say


“I need to spend more time on seeking external inspiration. And I have also figured out how to get more time for this.”

“I thought I was going on a training session. It turned out to be hard work all three days. This was really combining work and learning at the same time.”

“I used to be frustrated about not having enough time when making presentations to executives. But now I know how to make my point in three slides and five minutes.”

“My business objectives should be much more cross-functional. That’s the first conversation I will have with my manager when I get back.”

“Now I appreciate how my area of expertise can contribute to meeting our strategic goals. My job has become much more motivating over these three days.”

Model. learn more about target audience below.

Target Audience

The target audience is specialists who have to make the challenging transition from being a knowledge leader to becoming a knowledge principal - passage 3 - and operate effectively in this specialist role.

The program is designed to capture specialists across functions. Only requirement is that all participants holds a position at knowledge principal level. Accordingly, most organizations design programs to capture the broad audience of knowledge principals across functions and bring them together on these programs.

As these are the first programs of their kind, organizations normally mix newly appointed with more experienced knowledge principals. The measurable impact of the program does not differ based on the participants’ experience. This may sound surprising. However, time itself does not help specialists make their transition. Often to the contrary. If specialists are not supported in their transition within the first 18 months after promotion, if they are not coached to find new ways of getting success, then they often end up going back to previous ways of finding success.

A smiling woman. Learn more about action learning.

Action Learning

Everything is based on the participant’s own day-to-day challenges, and in addition we will include the participant’s direct manager in the learning process. Instead of the participants bringing the training back to the job, the participants bring their job into the training.

The integration of everyday life is so strong that participants often feel that participation in the program is like being at work rather than being on a program. Consequently, learning from the program is directly and immediately applicable when the participants return to their job.

A man taking notes. Learn more about become a certified knowledge expert below.

Become a Certified Knowledge principal

Upon completion of the program the participant can be registered as certified knowledge principal and they are eligible to enroll in the LPI alumni forum which secures continuous learning many years after the program. In order to register as certified knowledge principal, the participant must have at least six months working experience as knowledge principal.


From Knowledge Leader to Knowledge principal


As something unique in the market, the Knowledge principal transition program will address all three key elements in the transition namely work values, time application and skills. Especially our unique ability to support knowledge principals changing their work values is what creates the lasting impact of the programs.

Below we have illustrated the key transition elements for a knowledge principal.


Program Content


Proven Learning Impact

We have a road-tested Knowledge principal transition program with a long track-record in terms of proven learning impact. We will build on our track record and tailormade the program to your organization’s specific needs and, at a minimum, include:

  • Your human resource tools and processes

  • Clear link to your business needs

  • Specific content or exercises of your preference

  • Your company values

  • Your leadership model

  • Links to other leadership initiatives


Typical Transition Issues

In the program, we will support specialists overcoming the typical transition issues for knowledge principals. As you will probably notice, these are behaviors you also see with more experienced knowledge principals.

  • Is primarily focused on short-term results

  • Struggles in contributing to building a competitive edge

  • Is not able to mobilize people across the organization to embrace new solutions

  • Does not apply a strategic mindset to the area of responsibility

  • Is uncomfortable assuming responsibility for organizational targets


Key Topics in the Program

Below, we have illustrated some of the core content of a typical knowledge principal transition program. As you will notice, the entire program ties directly into the job that needs to get done for a knowledge principal. The final content and learning flow is designed in collaboration.


Program Flow

We have a core four-day classroom program, but most organizations use a solution where they design a learning journey combining classroom days with different digitalized and on-line solutions.

Our mobile learning platform can support the program participant throughout the learning journey and thus support an immediate application of new work values, time application and skills.

As something unique, our mobile learning platform can also involve the participants’ direct manager throughout the learning journey. This will secure the full engagement of the manager in the learning process, which is one of the most important factors in imbedding learning from training programs.


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